about angel by nature + relief gang


for the people.

Angel By Nature is driven to help benefit and supply the Houston community with relief efforts ranging from living conditions, education, to personal health and motivation.

our story.

With the encouragement and inspiration of Trae’s oldest brother, Charles Hughes, a.k.a. Dinkie, along with the support of family friend, Rosey Ruiz of Aspire To Win, Angel By Nature became a non-profit organization in 2008. It is dedicated to improving life for individuals who have been affected by hardship and impoverishment, especially the underserved youth.

the future.

both angel by nature and the relief gang will CONTINUE to push through and help rebuild COMMUNITIES, along with spreading KNOWLEDGE, hope, help & love for all of those AFFECTED BY UNFORTUNATE events.

Make it stand out.


Dream it.

Encourage underprivileged youth to embark upon a journey of lifelong change

Build it.

Empower disadvantaged youth to engage in their respective communities

achieve it.

Offer enrichment activities and programs that lead to decreased violence while combating peer pressure and bullying

Grow it.

Motivate youth to take on leadership roles and pursue higher education